Greeting from PresidentGreeting from President

AOS in the new era with COVID19 - beyond the future -Achievement

Picture of President


Kazuhiro Yoshida

Gifu University, Gifu, Japan

  It is actually my great honor and pleasure to have been appointed as the Asian Oncology Society (AOS) President at the Council Meeting of AOS on 17th of June, 2022 at Seoul, Korea. We really appreciate Prof. Yeul Hong Kim, the first AOS President for his service to the AOS (2019-2022) and during this transition, the Head Office of AOS has moved to Japan and it is located in the office of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO). It was also my great honor and pleasure to have served as the secretaty general of ACOS (Asian Cliinical Oncology Society) and AOS from 2009 to 2022.

  Asian Oncology Society (AOS) was established in 2019, rearranged with Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS) and Asian and Pacific Federation of Organizations for Cancer Research and Control (APFOC) and inauguration ceremony was conducted in October 24, 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. Memorandum of Agreement on establishment of AOS was conducted among participating countries including 85 representing oncology societies of 13 Asian countries.

  The objectives of the Society shall be as follows: (1) To bring together, on a common platform, scientists from Asian countries for a free exchange of ideas on the problems, challenges and methods of cancer management in the region. (2) To mutually encourage, strengthen and improve facilities for cancer research, diagnosis and management in countries in the region where such help is needed. (3)To seek the support of Government, non-Government and private agencies in achieving the improvement of cancer care throughout the Asian region. (4) To encourage transfer of technology between countries in the region with the objective of improving overall standards of cancer research, diagnosis and management. (5)To encourage membership of the Society throughout the region in order to promote and support the activities of members where such assistance is needed. (6) To foster improvement of academic and scientific standards in oncology in the Asian region by encouraging research in the fields of oncology.

  Through the initial action of the AOS, first and second AOS international conference were successfully conducted in 2020 in Manila and 2022 in Seoul and four committees have been organized including Education Committee, Scientific Committee, Clinical Trial Committee and Clinical Guideline Committee and now it is the time to move forward to the contribution to cancer care.

  In the new era of COVID 19, the world has become smaller in the sense of communication and with the advancement of AI and IoT in the field of oncology AOS can be the platform of the academic and educational platform of the oncology beyond the future. Keyword is “Network and Collaboration”.